Facial rejuvenation – which method to choose?

Facial rejuvenation

After 30 years, the skin begins to hyaluronic acid to lose and along with it the water. The content is reduced in the skin collagen and Elastin. The skin becomes dry and less elastic, and then it wrinkles. What you are doing, such as the restoration of the youthfulness of the skin? Specialists of the Beauty Salon for advice about which method is best or that a woman suitable.

How to rejuvenate the skin

Facial rejuvenation can be achieved through various methods. All of them can be divided into three groups:

  • Health Image-Methods,
  • Beauty Treatments,
  • Methods of plastic surgery.

Include General Wellness methods:

  • the right diet,
  • a healthy way of life,
  • Sports, no bad habits.

It is with this facial rejuvenation should start.

The mountain of fashion on the plastic surgery of the face passed before the eyes of all the results of the failed well-known people. Today, the therapeutic cosmetics is booming, and the techniques have significant effects on the skin without surgical intervention. Among such methods, massage, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, intravenous introduction of botulinum toxin, masonite, face contour, Peeling.

Scrubs – a simple but effective method of rejuvenation

In the Beauty Salon use all kinds of scrubs and spend sanding of the skin that removes the superficial layers of the skin by the Update. To updated thin skin, cosmetic masks and cream are absorbed quickly and have an effective impact.

Today in the cosmetic Salons, the most commonly used chemical peels. He is included in with the help of organic acids. For superficial chemical peels, organic fruit acids are used. Deeper peels can be achieved with the aid of Phenol.

In the case of the correct application of the chemical peel, the recovery of the skin is stimulated, she is young and bright, scars, problems such as dryness, wrinkles, pigment spots, eliminate. After a deep exfoliation of the skin with a crust, which must not be deleted. After the waste of the crust, the skin is recovered for some time, and then will be young and radiant.

Facial rejuvenation by mesotherapy

Mesotherapy provides treatment of the skin using micro-injections. Intradermal injections with very thin needles. Beautician carefully studied the condition of the skin, and then appoints the injection, the skin at Cocktails. In the composition of the Cocktails of vitamins, minerals, biologically active substances and others, which stimulate the metabolism and give the skin youth.

Mezzo therapy once a week. A treatment cycle of 8 to 15 treatments, depending on the initial condition of the skin. The effect of mesotherapy is stable, its duration depends on the individual properties of the skin.


SPRS-therapy is a modern, highly effective method of facial rejuvenation. He is that the woman in the fence of the skin cells, where the fibroblasts secrete and breed them in the laboratory. Fibroblasts – the cells of the skin, production of necessary substances, such as hyaluronic acid, Elastin and collagen.

Cultivated fibroblasts by micro-injections supplied is injected into the skin on problem areas of the face. How to settle into the skin, fibroblasts stimulate the production of new fibroblasts, rejuvenates the skin. The process is difficult, but it's worth it, rejuvenation of the facial skin after two procedures will take more than two years.

Biorevitalization is an effective method, again the youth

Biorevitalization is a type of mesotherapy in the skin instead of Cocktails administered medications hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of skin that attracts water to the skin firmer, more elastic and looks younger before our eyes.

Hyaluronic acid administered in the Form of micro-injections, after you have in the skin, it not only attracts water, but also stimulates the cells of the skin hyaluronic acid. A very effective method. To revitalize the skin and removal of fine superficial two treatments folds apart enough sometimes with a week. Supportive treatment is done every three months.

Masonite can be replaced kreisfrmig podtyazhku the people

In this method, special yarns, impregnated biologically active substance to be injected, in the soft parts of the face. The threads of the tissue support and the type of mesotherapy is the production of substances to stimulate the rejuvenation of the skin. The most effective method, the good condition of the skin for up to two years.

Facial contour

Face contour is with the removal of the soft parts of the face, the by the age. In places where clearly the volume of the soft parts, with the help of injections of hyaluronic acid injected, and then the restoration of the contour of the face.reduces

Methods of facial rejuvenation much. Which method or several methods to decide, consult a beautician on the basis of the inspection and examination of the skin of the patient.